Hard Work Pays Off....Doesn't It?
One of my biggest pet peeves is how people, namely parents and amateur coaches, use the slogan, “hard work pays off”. Don’t get me wrong,...
Sneak Peak...
As you may (or may not) know, I have been working on a book for a little over a year now. Things started out great last year when I set...
Tools For Catching
I get a lot of questions across social media about my favorite gear or my recommendations for catchers gear and training aids. So I...
The Catcher/Pitcher Relationship
Last time we talked about the catcher and the umpire. Now I want to take a look at another important relationship. The relationship...
The "Sissification" of Baseball
The title of this article was inspired by a play that most baseball fans have probably heard about and seen; Los Angeles Dodgers player,...